RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

RMI’s Solutions Journal Online

RMI has a reputation for coming up with groundbreaking ideas and solutions to problems like unnecessary energy consumption, pollution, and fossil fuel addiction. But we know ideas are not enough. Ideas have true power only when we implement them successfully.

Addressing U.S. Energy Security at Naval War College (Video)

Recent news coverage has focused on how the massive energy demands on our military and defense infrastructure threaten our national security and drain the U.S. defense budget. In fact, The U.S Department of Defense is the single largest consumer of energy on the planet, using roughly 70 percent of our federal government’s energy, costing over $13 billion.

Inspiring Cities to Break Down Solar Roadblocks

Across the United States, there are nearly 20,000 local municipal and county governments served by a complex system of over 5,000 electric utilities. Each local government sets and enforces electrical, structural, and fire codes, while each utility sets rates and resource plans in conjunction with regulatory agencies. These elements all influence PV project development processes and physical system designs.

Taking the Reinventing Fire Path (Video)

Business and policy leaders came together last week at the Aspen Environment Forum for a vibrant exchange of ideas on a variety of topics from energy to food related to how Earth can sustain “our expanding human needs.” RMI Chairman and Chief Scientist Amory Lovins sat down for a conversation with Aspen Institute Senior Fellow in Energy and Environment Jack Riggs to discuss Reinventing Fire.

RMI Report Highlights Opportunities for More Effective Building Energy Modeling

Building energy modeling has enjoyed a steep adoption and market uptake curve in the last decade. However, the two biggest drivers of today’s modeling demand—the building owner’s need to comply with regulations and codes, and the owner’s desire to comply with voluntary programs like LEED, tax incentives and utility incentives—do not necessarily best support the objective of widespread low-energy building design and operation.