Oil and Gas Solutions
From Global to Local: Climate TRACE Helps Prioritize Emissions Reductions from the Oil and Gas Industry
Key takeaways from the Climate TRACE emissions inventory this year from the oil and gas industry, starting with a wide lens then zooming in closer to explore how different layers of data reveal useful and actionable insights.
Oil and gas companies are missing significant methane emissions. Here’s how to fix that.
Empirical data can enhance emissions transparency, fill gaps in self-reported inventories, and guide O&G climate action.
Calculating Parity Between Gas and Coal Life-cycle Emissions
See for yourself how methane swings the scales.
Reality Check: Natural Gas’s True Climate Risk
For decades, natural gas has been touted as a safer climate alternative to fossil fuels such as coal. Even the word “natural” suggests its alignment with sustainability goals — a misnomer that has, until recently, largely flown under the radar of public scrutiny. But factoring in methane releases from unintentional…
Oil Price Benchmarks Are Missing One Thing: The Climate Cost
A climate-wise oil market should reflect the true costs of production by incorporating emissions intensities of varying oils in benchmark pricing.