Building Electrification

Electrifying Communities Across the United States
How RMI’s Electrify cohort is changing lives from Washington State to Maryland.

The Federal Government is Electrifying All New Buildings — States and Cities Should Follow Suit
Covering new buildings and major renovations, the new rule is one of the biggest actions Washington has taken to cut climate pollution from federal properties.

Reality Check: Gas Stoves Are a Health and Climate Problem
Policymakers and consumers alike are reconsidering the health risks and climate damage associated with gas stoves. Here are six simple truths to guide the conversation.

Millions of US Homes Are Installing Heat Pumps. Will It Be Enough?
The US heat pump market is growing, but it needs to accelerate to achieve critical climate goals.

Washington State Could Lead the Nation on Building Electrification Codes
In the unglamorous pages of local and state law books lies one of the most powerful tools for reducing carbon emissions: building codes. Local governments in Washington State, including Seattle, Tacoma, and Shoreline, have already put this powerful tool to use, amending their building codes to restrict the installation…