RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas

Chicago can seize opportunity for deep energy retrofits
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced a program to make the city’s buildings more energy-efficient. Now that he’s taken a bold step to save taxpayer dollars and create hundreds of jobs by shaving the energy consumption of City Hall, the Harold Washington Library and other government buildings, what’s next?

Nuclear: Why even think about it?
Last week, RMI Chairman and founder Amory Lovins discussed where nuclear energy fits in a low-carbon electric system as part of Rocky Mountain Institute’s “Day in the Life Event.” A lively conversation ensued between Lovins, RMI Electricity Principal Lena Hansen and invited guests, centering on what role the technology could play in the Reinventing Fire framework.

A Day in the Life of RMI
A sunny, clear sky, unobstructed views of Mount Sopris, and the sprawling 900-plus acre Windstar Land Conservancy (home of RMI’s Snowmass office) welcomed fifteen friends, supporters and collaborators to a two-day event, “A Day in the Life of RMI.” The event offered participants clear insight into issues RMI is tackling, and an opportunity to work in a spirit of authentic co-creation.

Summit Gives Catawba student opportunity to help make better world
For Catawba student Sarah Moore, helping with the National Environmental Summit for High School Students at the Center for the Environment at Catawba College gives her experience planning a large event and the opportunity to ultimately help create a better world.

Happy Independence Day
Today, we are dependent on an inefficient and unstable energy system. The U.S. relies on energy sources that threaten our economy, national security, and natural environment. However, the energy system is in transition, moving to a more prosperous and secure future.