Amory Lovins

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 7 – Muda, Service, and Flow (original)
Business processes of all kinds—from manufacturing to distribution—are full of waste. By rethinking the production process and developing innovative business models based on services instead of goods, companies can wring out inefficiencies and deliver products and services that customers actually want.

A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism
This synopsis of Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution was published in Harvard Business Review.

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 12 – Climate: Making Sense and Making Money (original)
The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human actions are causing greenhouse gases to build up in the atmosphere, changing the planet’s climate. Reversing this potentially disastrous trend does not have to come at great economic expense, but rather can be profitable for business and society.

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 15 – Once Upon a Planet (original)
Cassandra meets Dr. Pangloss — Expert’s dilemma — Blues and reds, greens and whites — Assembling the operating manual — The world’s largest movement — A hidden curriculum — Reversing several hundred years — Reclaiming the future — Mandates, principles, and declarations — Because it is possible…

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 1 – The Next Industrial Revolution (original)
An introduction to the principles and underlying theory of Natural Capitalism…