Amory Lovins

Long Term Constraints on Human Activity
In this paper, Amory Lovins discusses the forces shaping and constraining social enterprise. Lovins argues that humans are constrained by problems of food, land and water, climatic change, energy, hazardous substances, non-fuel minerals, diversity and resilience of ecosystems, management and global organization. These problems raise fundamental questions about present trends…

Nuclear Spread: The Cure Begins at Home
In this New York Times op-ed, Amory Lovins commends the paper for calling attention to the link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons, and provides further commentary about the social, political, and economic logic of pursuing a non-nuclear energy future. Lovins argues that energy efficiency measures and alternative energy sources…

Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?
In this landmark piece from 1976, Amory Lovins describes the two energy choices then facing the nation.

Plutonium Particles: Some Like Them Hot
This report by Amory Lovins and Walter Patterson is a response to the controversy of the toxicity of plutonium. The Medical Research Council’s 1975 report, The Toxicity of Plutonium concludes that “there is no evidence that irradiation by ‘hot particles’ in the Img is markedly more hazardous than the same…

Rock Bottom: Nearing the Limits of Metal Mining in Britain
While serving as the British representative for Friends of the Earth, Amory Lovins wrote this letter to Lord Zuckerman, Chairman of Britain’s Independent Commission on Mining and the Environment. In this reprint published by The Ecologist, Lovins argues that elegant resource frugality stands as a more logical, sensible and natural…