amory giving a talk

Amory Lovins

Natural Capitalism on the U.S.-Mexico Border

This paper analyzes the US-Mexico border economy from a natural capitalism perspective and makes recommendations for achieving more sustainable development through natural capitalism. This paper suggests that simple changes can be made to the way businesses are traditionally run by using resources more productively. These changes can yield startling benefits…

Redesigning Evolution

In this letter published in Science, Amory Lovins responds to an editorial by Roger Beachy promoting the benefits of genetically modified foods. In his response, Lovins argues that there are negative ecological implications of genetically modified food and that it amounts to redesigning evolution. Lovins also argues that the FDA…

Graduation Test for the Species

Of all of the technologies invented in the last century, Amory Lovins considers biotechnology to be one of the most dangerous and destructive. In this commentary in The Washington Times, Lovins argues against the manipulation of genes for human purposes. Rather than understanding how nature works, technology is being used…

Tale of Two Botanies

In this paper given at the World Botanical Congress in 1999, Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins describe their concept of the two botanies.” The first botany has been shapped by billions of years of evolution. The second botany comes from recent advances in genetic engineering. Modifications in genetic make-up…