RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas
Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States
Gas stove use is linked to nearly 13 percent of current childhood asthma in the United States.
Toward a Technology Ecosystem for Carbon Accounting
Open standards and data formats, and their acceptance by the industry accelerate and guide the growth of a rich accounting ecosystem, harnessing the power of the marketplace to monumentally shift the way greenhouse gas emissions are reported and reduced.
How Cities and Counties Can Electrify Their Fleets
Cities and counties have much to gain from electrifying their fleets, including reduced air pollution and lower operating, maintenance, and fuel costs.
Reimagining Resource Planning
Utilities and regulators have an opportunity to reimagine resource planning to ensure that it remains trusted, comprehensive, and aligned.
Peak Fossil Fuel Demand for Electricity
Demand for fossil fuels has peaked in the electricity sector.