RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas
Roadmap to Reaching Zero Embodied Carbon in Federal Building Projects
A roadmap to zero embodied carbon emissions from US federal buildings projects and materials by 2050.
Improving Electricity Supply for Large Customers in Nigeria
RMI and AEDC show how electric utilities and third-party developers in Nigeria can collaborate to provide C&I customers with reliable electricity using DERs.
Medium-Size Commercial Retrofits
RMI’s latest report examines the economic and carbon impacts of efficient electrification of heating equipment in mid-size commercial buildings.
Accelerating the Energy Transition
In a presentation entitled “The Energy Transition Narrative,” RMI experts Kingsmill Bond and Sam Butler-Sloss present an insurgent view of the energy transition, illustrating how rapid energy technology change is inevitable and beneficial.
The Road to Net Zero: Decarbonization in China’s Cement Industry
China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of cement. Decarbonizing this industry is crucial to meeting the country’s carbon neutrality goal.