RMI Outlet
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Negawatt Revolution: Electric Efficiency and Asian Development
This paper, published in 1991 in the Far Eastern Economic Review, compares electricity use by electric utilities customers in the far Eastern countries with use…

Lessons from Iraq
This letter was written at the time of the first Gulf War in 1991. In the technical letter sent to the Bulletin of the Atomic…

Drill Rigs and Battleships are the Answer, But What Was the Question?: Oil Efficiency, Economic Rationality, and Security
This paper examines how the efficient use of energy, particularly of oil, can help to create and smooth a transition beyond this one source of…

Least-Cost Climatic Stabilization
This paper argues that global warming is not a natural result of normal, optimal economic activity. Rather, it is an artifact of the economically inefficient…

If It’s Not Efficient, It’s Not Beautiful
In this brief 1991 article in Fine Homebuilding, Amory Lovins argues that beautiful homes are not only finely crafted and designed, but energy efficient as…