Residential Buildings

Why High-Efficiency Cooling Is a Climate Priority
The world leaders of the Group of Seven, better known as G7, released a long communique following their recent meeting in Cornwall, detailing their plans to address the COVID-19 pandemic and “build back better.” In a departure from the previous G7 meeting in 2019, which ended with a…

Passive Cooling in a Tiny House
In this post, we look at some passive cooling strategies that help keep an innovative tiny house comfortable during California summers, without the use of a mechanical cooling system.

Global Cooling Prize: A Pathway to Net-Zero Residential Cooling by 2050
The Global Cooling Prize—a journey that began back in 2018—is now in its final stretch: the winner(s) will be announced during the virtual Grand Award Ceremony later this month.

It’s Time to Climate-Align Housing Finance
What if you could finance green home improvements—such as efficient new windows, a heat pump, added insulation, solar PV, even resilience upgrades—as part of your mortgage when buying or refinancing your home? Not only would this offer conveniently timed capital from a trusted source (your lender), but at current interest…

Eight Benefits of Building Electrification for Households, Communities, and Climate
Buildings account for 28 percent of the United States’ energy use and greenhouse gas emissions—and we need to halve our emissions in a decade and eliminate them completely by 2050 in order to meet the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But more than half of…