RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas
Structuring Demand for Lower-Carbon Materials: An Initial Assessment of Book and Claim for the Steel and Concrete Sectors
RMI and Microsoft co-authored report that analyzes book and claim’s potential to support the lower-carbon steel and concrete markets.
How to Restructure Utility Incentives
Guidance for regulators and stakeholders on how to use comprehensive performance-based regulation to improve utility incentives.
RMI’s Community Benefits Catalog
Examples of meaningful local benefits to include in federally funded energy projects
The Nuts and Bolts of Performance-Based Regulation
This guide introduces the basics of performance-based regulation (PBR), outlining the need for reform, PBR tools, related reforms, and case studies.
Transforming Delhi’s Power Grid
New report highlights strategies for enhancing grid flexibility in Delhi, focusing on renewable energy integration and policy frameworks.