Strategic Insights
Reality Check: Greener, Friendlier Alternatives Exist for Rare Minerals in Batteries
Accessible alternatives to “critical materials” can make excellent EV batteries, solar cells, and wind turbines.
What We’re Learning about Corporate Climate Ambition
Although COP26 furthered global climate ambition, its outcomes failed to fully meet the aspirations of many leaders and activists calling for more urgent action. Fortunately, national governments are not the only actors that can undertake ambitious actions to achieve climate goals. Glasgow also signaled unprecedented levels of…
Post COP26—Shortcomings, Positive Outcomes, and What’s Next for the Global South
COP26 is over, and although the final agreement may not have the language that many of us had hoped for, there were some positive outcomes. A few key inclusions such as emissions reporting guidelines and recognition of fossil fuels as the cause of global temperature rise are promising additions…
Good COP, Bad COP? The Hopeful News in COP26…and Beyond
There is good news and bad news emerging from COP26. The bad news: The emissions reduction pledges made by nations so far are still likely to consign civilization to a 2.7°C warmer world by 2100 compared with pre-industrial times. The good news: Steady progress is being made in securing…
We Have the Technology, but Where’s the Ambition?
The decreasing costs and improved performance of renewable energy technologies means that it is possible to limit global warming to 1.5°C.