
Funding Our Future: Clean Hydrogen Hub Offers Major Opportunity — If We Do It Right
Hydrogen must be produced with low to no emissions — and there has never been a better time to do that work than right now.

Hydrogen Reality Check #1: Hydrogen Is Not a Significant Warming Risk
The climate benefit from a well-regulated clean hydrogen economy outweighs the impact of any emissions that hydrogen would add to our energy system.

Clean Energy 101: The Colors of Hydrogen
Hydrogen has an essential role to play in the global effort to decarbonize the economy. This article explains hydrogen and where it fits in the energy system.

COP26 Made Clear That the World Is Ready for Green Hydrogen
After the recent COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, COP26 President Alok Sharma said that “we have kept 1.5°C within reach, but its pulse is weak.” The progress of green hydrogen is one of the developments keeping that pulse alive. Green hydrogen is an innovation that is essential for decarbonization of…

Hydrogen Policy Assumes Natural Gas Prices Are Stable. They’re Not
Natural gas markets have been acting up lately. Consumers and businesses are in uproar, governments are bailing out users, and analysts are scrambling to explain the supply shortage and consequent price increases. In some markets, regulations and market structures have been overridden to protect consumers from the impact of…