The Value of Green Hydrogen Trade for Europe
The EU will soon be the first global market to demonstrate how importing hydrogen (H2) can help accelerate decarbonization and promote energy security — if it can mobilize additional support for procurement and end use while strategically deploying green fuel to areas where it’s most needed.
Case Study – Storing Green Hydrogen to Safeguard Energy Security
Over the next several years, the Department of Energy plans to distribute over $9.5 billion in federal funding to support clean hydrogen market formation across the United States.
Calibrating US Tax Credits for Grid-Connected Hydrogen Production: A Recommendation, a Flexibility, and a Red Line.
RMI’s position in the 45V debate to ensure grid-connected green hydrogen helps meet US climate goals.
Fueling the Transition: Accelerating Cost-Competitive Green Hydrogen
This report illustrates the opportunity and the critical tools required to accelerate cost-competitive green hydrogen to market.