ocean islands with solar panels in foreground

Global South

Closing the Circuit, Stimulating End-Use Demand For Rural Electrification

Electrification’s ultimate measure of success in developing nations—and its real contribution—is to both meet basic humanitarian needs and underpin economic development. But most electrification programs focus on expanding supply with limited investment devoted to enabling end uses that drive productivity improvements and meet critical needs. In this report, we make the case…

India Leaps Ahead: Feebates—An Important Policy Lever for India’s Future Mobility System

Feebates—market-based, revenue-neutral, and size-neutral—can act as an important policy lever in support of India’s “leapfrog” vision of an electric, shared, and connected mobility system by incentivizing the production and use of clean vehicles, according to a new report.  A feebate is a mechanism by which inefficient or polluting vehicles…