General Energy

Here’s Why the Green Energy Movement is Red, White and Blue

The Pope just took a stand on climate change. One of the fastest cars in the world is electric. China is the world’s leading market for solar. So why does it feel like America is stuck in the sixties when we talk about energy?

Fossil-Fuel Divestment: Where Should the Money Flow?

Divestment can be part of a comprehensive transition to a cleaner energy economy. But if billions of dollars are divested from fossil-fuel companies, where should the money flow to make the biggest impact?

Three Trends That Make Obama’s Clean Power Plan a Good Bet on the Future

The Obama administration issued its Clean Power Plan setting out a clear direction for greenhouse gas emissions reductions from the U.S. power sector. The plan, long under way and the subject of the most extensive consultations the EPA has ever undertaken, is a bold step to overcome congressional inaction to address climate change.