Breaking Down the Inflation Reduction Act. Program by Program. Incentive by Incentive.
A sortable and filterable list for stakeholders big and small.
This spreadsheet was built off of the list of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding programs published by the White House as a complement to its IRA Guidebook. First released in April, we’ve updated this spreadsheet in July 2023 to reflect new information.
The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest investment in clean energy and climate solutions in American history, so it can be hard to keep track of everything in it. This spreadsheet breaks down the funding opportunities in the bill in a way that allows a variety of users to easily find out which IRA programs and tax incentives can benefit them.
In particular, this spreadsheet was developed for use by:
- State and local/municipal governments
- Tribal Nations
- Businesses
- Non-profits
- Institutions of higher education
- Individual consumers
The spreadsheet uses, as a start, the list of IRA funding programs published by the White House (“federal summary”) as a complement to its IRA Guidebook. It builds off this federal summary by increasing the ability of users to sort and filter funding sources based on criteria such as sector, topic, funding eligibility, and funding type. It also increases the comprehensiveness of the federal summary, including by adding IRA-related tax incentives, and it adjusts certain aspects of the federal summary to make them more up to date and complete.
Disclaimer: Information in this spreadsheet should be treated with an element of caution as many of these funding programs are under development and rapidly evolving.
IRA Program and Tax Incentive Summary
Sortable and filterable list and detailed summary of the funding programs and tax incentives included in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Last updated: July 19, 2023