RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

Celia Tandon

Celia is an associate with RMI’s Carbon-Free Electricity program, where she contributes to both the Clean Competitive Grids and Clean Energy Planning teams. She is…

katie ebinger

Katie Ebinger

Katie Ebinger is an associate with RMI’s Carbon-Free Electricity Team. She researches utility policy and regulatory reforms to advance the just clean energy transition. Background…

neevetha nadarajah

Neevetha Nadarajah

Neevetha is an associate in RMI’s Carbon-Free Electricity team, where she collaborates with the VP3 team across the board in critical regulatory and policy, utility,…

Clare Mengebier

Clare facilitates operational execution across the carbon-free electricity team through financial management, revenue and expense planning, forecasting, hiring, and project management. She also partners with…

Stephanie Bieler

Stephanie is a senior associate with RMI’s Carbon-Free Electricity team. She conducts research on utility business models and regulatory reform issues to promote a transition…