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Natural Capitalism: Chapter 12 – Climate: Making Sense and Making Money (original)
The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human actions are causing greenhouse gases to build up in the atmosphere, changing the planet’s climate. Reversing…

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 15 – Once Upon a Planet (original)
Cassandra meets Dr. Pangloss — Expert’s dilemma — Blues and reds, greens and whites — Assembling the operating manual — The world’s largest movement —…

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 4 – Making the World (original)
Manufacturing products requires huge material and energy inputs, most of which ends up as waste or pollution. But smart engineers and designers are finding that…

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 1 – The Next Industrial Revolution (original)
An introduction to the principles and underlying theory of Natural Capitalism…

Natural Capitalism: Chapter 5 – Building Blocks (original)
Buildings consume vast amounts of energy and natural resources. Perverse incentives and priorities have contributed to wasteful designs and construction practices. Today, a new design…