RMI Outlet
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Tough Lovins
This exchange between Amory Lovins and William Tucker was published in The Weekly Standard after Tucker’s earlier article in the magazine. Lovins’ letters refute Tucker’s…

Critical Issues in Domestic Energy Vulnerability
In this presentation, Amory Lovins argues that America’s energy infrastructure is vulnerable to disruption, either accidentally or intentionally. He describes the weak energy infrastructure as…

Insurmountable Opportunities: Steps and Barriers to Implementing Sustainable Development
L. Hunter Lovins and Walter Link presented this paper to the 2001 UN Regional Roundtable for Europe and North America. In it, the authors outline…

L.A. Times Commentary on Bill Joy’s Wired Article
This commentary was written in response to Bill Joy’s article from Wired magazine, “Why the future doesn’t need us”. In the commentary, Amory Lovins connects…

Why Nuclear Power’s Failure in the Marketplace is Irreversible
In this presentation to the Nuclear Control Institute, Amory Lovins describes the various competitors that are besting nuclear power for dominance of the energy market.