Reflections of a (Very) Early EV Adopter
Nearly 20 years ago, RMI writer/editor Laurie Guevara-Stone converted a 1980s era Volkswagen Rabbit to electric drive. How times have changed!
Is the End of EV Range Anxiety in Sight? Nine Strategies To Put EV Owners At Ease
Early adopters of the automobile had what we now call “range anxiety,” a fear of running out of fuel. In 2013, here are nine strategies to put EV owners at ease.
Fully Charged: How will charging infrastructure affect the market for electric vehicles?
Introducing Drivers of Change, a new column from Verge and Rocky Mountain Institute focused on the intersection of cities, transportation, and innovative technologies.
Santa, Reindeer, and Freight Efficiency
It’s Christmas Eve, which means that millions of children are counting on Santa Claus and his reindeer to deliver presents under the tree by tomorrow morning.
The Electric Car: Lighter, Less Costly, Plugged In
In writing “The Electric Car, Unplugged” for the New York Times of Sunday, March 25, John Broder and his informants assert that “enthusiasm over electrification in the industry has begun to flicker and the price of battery technology remains stubbornly high.” Yet they unaccountably omit the…