Why EVs Are AND Aren’t Luxury Cars
Maybe no EV—despite critiques of their upfront cost premium—should qualify as a luxury car … at least not on the pure basis of sticker price.
Why EV Winter Range Loss is Both Fact and Fiction
Fair-weather driving in an EV is one thing, but over the past two or three winters there’s also been no shortage of coverage about winter EV range. The final word from a real world EV driver during winter time.
How and Why I Married My EV
When I last wrote about electric vehicles, I focused on range anxiety and why it's a non-issue. However, a commenter argued that such a statistic would likely be skewed because EV drivers would be inclined to report satisfaction based on their purchase choice. Is that really the case?
Robots Don’t Drink and Drive
Guest author Karen Crofton is an RMI alum. A staggering two out of every three Americans will be involved in an accident related to drunk driving in their lifetime. And with the near ubiquity of mobile phones, texting while driving has become a new, deadly problem on our roads.
Enough with the Range Anxiety Already
Ever since I became a very happy Nissan LEAF driver earlier this year, I’ve become acutely aware of this: all this talk about range anxiety being a big issue seems to come largely from and/or survey those who don’t actually drive an EV.