
Electric Vehicles – Bulk Discounts Boom Sales
Right now, residents of Fort Collins, Colorado and the entire state of Minnesota are eligible for a major discount on a Nissan LEAF electric vehicle (EV) through the end of March. These programs are constructed as a bulk-buy and—thanks to the hard work of the nonprofits Drive Electric Northern…

Working at the Community Level to Transform Austin’s Mobility System
RMI is working with the City of Austin to tackle congestion along with the city’s other mobility challenges—including costs, accessibility, safety, and the environment—by leveraging the power of emerging technology and new business innovation.

The Future of Mobility Payments: Paying for All Our Transit Needs in One Place
An integrated mobility system—where you can plan, book, and pay for multiple modes of transit to get you from point A to point B— is not as far off as you might imagine.

Mobility in the Palm of Your Hand: The Opportunity of Transit Data
Our recently released report shows how interoperable transit data can lay the foundation for a shift away from single-occupancy vehicle trips to convenient, cost-effective, and personally productive shared assets, or what we call “mobility as a service.”

What Electric Vehicles Can Learn From the Solar Market
Across the country and the world, unsubsidized solar energy is reaching cost parity with fossil fuels. The same cannot (yet) be said for electric vehicles (EV) compared to gasoline-burning ones. While unsubsidized EVs have not reached cost parity with gasoline vehicles for the average driver, EV sales are surging in…