General Energy

@AmoryLovins is now on Twitter

Amory Lovins is now on Twitter--@AmoryLovins! Stay up-to-date on the latest with Amory and Rocky Mountain Institute--@AmoryLovins and @RockyMtnInst.

What’s Lighting Up the Web: Solyndra

The recent bankruptcy of Solyndra Energy resulted in a media frenzy that directed considerable attention and scrutiny to the clean energy industry. The failure of this solar company has been called a “black eye” for the renewable energy industry, the end of green jobs, and as David Roberts of Grist warned, a climategate-level mess.

Transforming the Solar Market

With all the talk about Solyndra’s bankruptcy, the message that the solar industry is struggling to effectively compete at scale with cheaper electricity sources such as coal is being made loud and clear. So while solar photovoltaic module costs have decreased significantly in the past decade, high installation costs caused by a complex tangle of utility interconnection requirements, financing expectations and permitting codes is a big reason why installed solar PV remains an expensive energy option.

Lights out in San Diego: A Case to Reexamine the Future of our Grid

The U.S. enjoys some of the most affordable and reliable electricity in the world. This has largely been enabled by the electricity grid (the largest man-made machine in the human history), which provides power to our schools, hospitals and homes.