Waiting in Queue: RMI’s Solutions to the Gridlocked US Power Sector
Key Insights The US electrical grid faces significant challenges due to the projected increase in power demand. RMI is leading efforts to optimize and expand the grid through both short-term fixes, like grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) and clean repowering, and long-term solutions, including workforce development and policy advocacy. RMI is helping…
The Electricity Transmission and Greenhouse Gas Implications of the EPRA Draft Legislation
RMI analysis on the greenhouse gas emissions implications of the relevant transmission permitting provisions of the 2024 EPRA draft legislation.
How to Restructure Utility Incentives
Guidance for regulators and stakeholders on how to use comprehensive performance-based regulation to improve utility incentives.
RMI’s Community Benefits Catalog
Examples of meaningful local benefits to include in federally funded energy projects
The Nuts and Bolts of Performance-Based Regulation
This guide introduces the basics of performance-based regulation (PBR), outlining the need for reform, PBR tools, related reforms, and case studies.