glass building exteriors


Show Me the Money: The Business Opportunity of Grid-Interactive Buildings

Utilities, grid operators, homeowners, and private- and public-sector building owners and operators are all buzzing about buildings that dynamically interact with the electric grid. They present an exciting opportunity to go beyond net-zero energy and provide valuable benefits to the electric grid and provide a significant financial return for building…

Report Release: Electrifying Buildings for Decarbonization

Download RMI’s new report, The Economics of Electrifying Buildings Seventy million American homes and businesses burn natural gas, oil, or propane on-site to heat their space and water, generating 560 million tons of carbon dioxide each year—one-tenth of total US emissions. But now, we have the opportunity to meet…

Energy and Affordability in Housing Finance

Utility costs place a significant financial burden on the 35 million very low- to moderate-income (LMI) single-family households in the United States. On average, low-income households spend three times as much to heat and cool their homes as the average household—from 20 percent to 50 percent of their…

A Resilience Strategy Based on Energy Efficiency Delivers Five Core Values

Resilience is perhaps the hottest energy-related topic discussed today among private-sector and government leaders worldwide. Extreme weather events, physical and cybersecurity threats, and utility grid failures are among the myriad reasons leaders are looking for more resilient and reliable energy solutions. However, most resilience efforts today are missing the mark.

Looking Beyond California: Zero Energy Housing in the United States

In only a year and a half, if you buy a house that’s just been built in California, you will be buying a house designed for the future: highly energy efficient, and a producer of clean, solar energy. Also, chances are good that it will be all-electric and have energy…