Building Energy Modeling: Igniting the Industry (Video)

At the Building Energy Modeling Innovation Summit last month, participants shared their vision of the future of energy modeling and how it can drive widespread solutions for low-energy buildings with reduced electric demand.

Here’s what a few of them said….

"MarthaWe need to use building energy modeling to fill gaps in these multi-dimensional performance maps of buildings…and we need to create models for high performance low energy buildings that do not yet exist…to really give guidance and also understand where the potential might be to direct policy.
— Martha Brook, California Energy Commission



"AlanThe concept that most clearly explains energy modeling to people is…the fake world and the real world. The fake world is the world of ECM rules, and rule sets, and LEED points and spending lots of time trying to get those models to run. The real world is where I want to be, where I make better buildings and save energy. My vision is that we figure out a way to get out of the fake world and get more into the real world and focus on design and saving energy.
–Alan Daly, Principal, Taylor Engineering


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"VictorI want energy modeling to bridge the gap between architects and engineers, between owners and financiers. I want it to take us where users are not stifled by their knowledge of “Appendix G,” but are lifted to their potential to meet their dreams in energy modeling. We need an app that takes us beyond the mundane metrics of yesterday, and takes us and inspires us to make net-zero buildings and beyond.
–Victor Olgyay, Principal, RMI’s Buildings Practice



"ChrisMy vision is to close the gap. There are technical gaps between what tools can do, and what systems are required for simulation. There are market place gaps between expectations… and how much time that takes and how much money it costs. Finally, I think the most important is the gap between the accuracy of the results and the actual building performance.
— Chris Wilkins, Chair of Technical Committee 4.1, ASHRAE

"JoeA collaborative network of architects and engineers, and energy modelers where the small offices feel it’s safe to ask questions they may fear are stupid, and do pre-design and early design collaboration on integrated design and delivery.
–Joe Deringer, Chair, BemBook Wiki Working Group, IBPSA-USA





What’s your vision for the future of energy modeling? Use the “Post a Comment” link below to share your thoughts.

And, visit the BEM Summit photo album to see all the photos of this event.