RMI Annual Report: Accelerating a New Energy Era

“Our 30th year at Rocky Mountain Institute was the most exciting yet. It’s the year we moved from researching and publishing Reinventing Fire’s ‘grand synthesis’ of America’s energy solutions to scaling up their implementation.”
                            –Amory B. Lovins, RMI cofounder and chief scientist

Many leaders, observing today’s fossil-fueled economy, reasonably deduce that “you can’t get there from here.” It’s just too big a task. If an energy transformation is impossible, why waste time on it?

With Reinventing Fire, RMI dispelled that myth.

A blueprint for how business can become more competitive and resilient by leading the transition from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables, Reinventing Fire shows how we can unlock $5 trillion in value. Over the past fiscal year, RMI moved from research into full-on action, engaging with partners and projects to implement Reinventing Fire’s goals through tangible work across the transportation, electricity, buildings, and industrial sectors.


Take a journey into RMI’s work over the past year by exploring our latest annual report. You’ll discover how RMI is engaging with the right players across business, government, and civil society to put practical solutions into action and drive transformational change.


By generating breakthrough insights and driving their adoption, RMI is working to unleash the enormous economic potential of a cleaner, healthier, more prosperous, and more secure future that ends our dependence on fossil fuels.

Learn how:

With the help of supporters like you, RMI is making impressive progress toward our vision of a world thriving, verdant, and secure, for all, forever.

By investing in a brighter energy future with RMI, our supporters allow us to be bold in our vision and drive cutting-edge research and extensive analyses on how to fundamentally transform complex systems—where the answers aren’t always easy, known, or agreed upon.

Will you be part of it?

Highlighted Resources


2011-2012 Annual Report


Video: What RMI & Our Supporters Have Created Together



Video: The Year in Review


Reinventing Fire