RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

Archbold Station: The Ecology of LEED Platinum

It’s encouraging that what was once a rare accomplishment in high-performance building design is now becoming commonplace, maybe even to the point that it’s hardly news. But a small organization hitting LEED Platinum in a rural and ecologically threatened area on a tight budget in a hot, humid climate is not so easy. This is the story of how they did it.

Energy Apathy: The Price and the Cure

Where does your energy come from? What price are we paying for energy apathy? What price will our children pay? We know more about Kim Kardashian than about the energy that directly affects us, whether we want to or not.

RMI30: What We’ve Created Together (Video)

For 30 years, together with our supporters, Rocky Mountain Institute has worked to make the world a better place by driving the efficient and restorative use of resources. Watch now, and find out how RMI's work is made possible through the generous support of our donors, and that we need supporters like you to help us build a world we can leave behind for our children.

President William Jefferson Clinton at RMI 30

Former President Clinton, who spoke at Rocky Mountain Institute’s 25th anniversary event, provided a video for Thursday’s RMI30 gala at the Empire State Building. In it, he recalls his long association with Amory Lovins and notes that RMI helped green the White House during his presidency.

Redefining Green at the Empire State Building

Built during the Great Depression, the Empire State Building symbolizes America's unlimited potential. Today, the Empire State Building is one of the most energy-efficient office buildings in the U.S.