RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

Trading Four Wheels for Two

Leaving your car home just twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 1,600 pounds each year. In fact, every mile you pedal instead of drive saves about one pound of carbon dioxide.

A High-Renewables Tomorrow, Today: Greensburg, Kansas

A small town in Kansas has taken a disaster and used the opportunity to emerge stronger and greener. While RMI’s Reinventing Fire campaign lays out a blueprint for ending our addiction to fossil fuels, Greensburg, Kansas is an on-the-ground example of how renewables can not only power our communities, but also help them thrive economically at the same time.

Ready to Work: New CEO to Help Create an Energy Revolution

Climate change, and the energy transition that we must carry out to solve it, are the most daunting global issues that mankind faces. It is therefore a privilege as well as a huge challenge to join the team at Rocky Mountain Institute that has been working on the transition to a new energy era.