RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas
Live Chat: Transforming the U.S. Solar Market
Join us for the live chat at 11 AM MST--The high-level goal of RMI’s solar program is to accelerate the deployment of photovoltaic solar systems in the U.S.
How America’s 50 Largest Cities Rate on EV Readiness
Turn on the TV, and you will likely view a commercial featuring the plug-in capable Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf. Reading the paper, you have no doubt encountered news about their much-anticipated launch (GM will publicly launch the Volt later this month).Turn on the TV, and you will likely view a commercial featuring the plug-in capable Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf. Reading the paper, you have no doubt encountered news about their much-anticipated launch (GM will publicly launch the Volt later this month).
How to Make Solar Power Cost Competitive in 5 Years or Less
Last month, after a state senate bill increasing California's renewable energy standard failed to pass, the state's Air Resources Board (CARB) increased the goal on their own, establishing the 33 percent by 2012 renewable electricity standard. California now claims the country's highest renewable energy standard, with Colorado close behind -- 30 percent renewable by 2020.
Feebates: A Key to Breaking U.S. Oil Addiction
Guest authors Bennett Cohen and Cory Lowe are RMI alumni. Oil addiction, in particular, is a habit RMI would like to help the U.S. kick.
Making Solar Technology a Competitive Force in the U.S.
In an effort to reframe the renewable energy conversation in the U.S., many pundits have resorted to good old-fashioned competition. And who better to serve as antagonist? The one country that seems to make everything these days: China.