In this step, you will develop a draft framework covering the essential parameters of your policy.
You will:
Develop a strategy to keep rents affordable as they relate to this policy. Note that Boulder has tracked rent data and found no rent increases as a result of this policy at the time it was launched.
Consider the timeline for compliance, alternative compliance pathways, effective cost-effectiveness thresholds, exemptions, and noncompliance penalties
Select an energy efficiency measurement tool and energy target
Determine a strategy for energy data collection requirements and reporting
Consider the impacts of the policy on affordability of rentals
Expand on the research from the last step by identifying new financing options both for city administration of the project and for incentivizing landlord efficiency upgrades
Choose Parameters Slide Deck
This slide deck provides an overview of compliance, financing, metrics, and the impacts of this policy on housing affordability. These slides were developed for a workshop on this topic for a cohort of 25 cities in 2018.
Issue Brief: Using Data to Set Priorities and Track Success of Low-Income Energy Programs
This US Department of Energy Issue Brief provides an overview of specific targets, indicators, and metrics that cities in Connecticut, California, and Minnesota used to assess progress on low income energy programs.
The most pertinent resources for this policy are on page 3, which provides data sources to help identify the needs of low- and moderate-income customers as well as a framework for considering relevant targets, indicators, and metrics.