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RE+ City Cohort Action Guide

Efficiency Standards for Rentals

Prepare Step 4: Calculate Impacts

You will use the provided Impact Calculator to fill out Section 4 “Preliminary Impact Calculation” of the Blueprint.

In this step you will conduct a preliminary analysis to determine the impact of implementing efficiency standards for rentals on your city. You will calculate metrics such as energy saved, carbon saved, city’s cost to implement, private investment capital, local jobs created, utility incentives available, and criteria air pollutant reductions. The impact calculator is designed to be part of an iterative process that changes as the policy design and implementation evolves.

Calculate Impacts Slidedeck

These slides provide an overview of the Impact Calculator. These slides were developed for a workshop on this topic for a cohort of 25 cities in 2018.​


The Potential Impact of Efficiency Standards for Rentals in Five US Cities

RMI’s Better Rentals: Better Cities report highlights examples of potential energy costs and carbon emissions reductions in five large US cities.


Impact Calculator

This tool helps suggest a framework to finance upgrades without increasing cost of living.
