Marie is a manager with RMI’s India Program and Carbon-Free Transportation Program, where she applies her expertise in climate finance, policy analysis, and supply chain resilience to advance global transportation decarbonization efforts. Her work focuses on identifying financing tools to mobilize capital in low- and middle-income countries to support the advancement of electric mobility. Marie’s work includes assessing the impact of financial and market risks, providing policy guidance to accelerate vehicle electrification, and designing interventions to support and advance battery circularity.
Previously, at Natural Resources Defense, Marie’s research and writing focused on India’s clean energy transition and energy access. She also has experience in energy analytics and carbon accounting.
In an academic setting, Marie partnered with the James E. Rogers Energy Access Project at Duke to assess practical applications for time-of-use tariffs and the financial health of minigrid operations in Sierra Leone.
MEM, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment & Sandford School of Public Policy
BS, Civil Engineering, Santa Clara University
Boulder, CO