RMI Outlet
Plug Into New Ideas

Fuzzy Math
This document includes a letter by Lucian Platt written to Foreign Affairs magazine in response to Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins’ article from 2001,…

How to Get Real Security
This article, adapted from a previous piece and published in the Whole Earth Review, describes strategies for establishing effective security. It offers political, economic, and…

Energy Resource Investment Strategy for the City of San Francisco
This report contains RMI’s work with the City of San Francisco. RMI assisted in the development of data, analysis and program design in support of…

Cool Citizens: Everyday Solutions to Climate Change: Household Solutions
This brief describes residential carbon dioxide emissions profiles and calculations of carbon dioxide reduction measures. The brief contains a profile for energy consumption, energy costs,…

Energy Security: It Takes More Than Drilling
This editorial in the Christian Science Monitor describes how America can become more secure through energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources. Energy security is…