RMI Outlet
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Getting Off Oil
In this short article, Amory Lovins explains how investing in energy efficiency is good for business. He provides examples of businesses and government agencies transitioning…

What Can we Do to Fix the Climate Problem?
This is an expanded version of an article that was published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, in which Amory Lovins joins three other…

Wanted: Masters of Elegant Frugality
This article describes how whole-system engineering can make very large savings cost less than the savings achieved by capturing the interactive effects between design components.

Valuation of Renewable and Distributed Resources: Implications for the Integrated Resource Planning Process
Over the last two decades, traditional integrated resource planning (IRP) has proven to be avaluable tool for evaluating the tradeoffs between supply-side generation and demand-sideefficiency…

New Frontiers in Utility Valuation of Renewable Resources
In this report, Rocky Mountain Institute explores the underlying theory and practical methodologies for the valuation of renewable resources. We present the theoretical basis first…