Understanding California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Regulation
What is ACC II, who must comply, and what is required for compliance?
Truck Electrification Will Require More Than New Models
NACFE’s 2023 Run on Less event will focus on electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
The EV Battery Supply Chain Explained
The transportation sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the US economy, and about half its emissions come from light-duty vehicles alone. To avoid the disastrous effects of a 1.5°C increase in global temperatures, we will need to replace the more than 300 million internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles currently on the road with electric vehicles (EVs).
Advanced Clean Cars II: Cutting Pollution while Strengthening Local Economies
State governments are now considering whether to follow California’s lead in setting a regulation to increase EV sales and decrease fossil fuel vehicle sales through 2035.
EV Batteries 101: Supply Chains
What are the problems in the EV battery supply chain and how can we improve it?