Solar energy panel photovoltaic cell and wind turbine farm power generator in nature landscape for production of renewable green energy is friendly industry.


earth in palm of hands

This Earth Day, RMI Remembers 40 years of Planet-Saving Action

In April 1970, millions of Americans gathered to protest a planet in peril. It was an era when the poisoning of our environment was visible and tangible: smokestack emissions darkened skies, industrial runoff tainted rivers and lakes, and trash tarnished landscapes. The moment birthed an era of transformative regulations —…

plane being worked on by maintenance

United Airlines Talks Sustainability

As one of the hardest-to-abate sectors of the economy, aviation’s path to net-zero carbon emissions faces technological and financial hurdles for companies looking to decarbonize.

smoke stacks wind turbines

We Have Solutions to the Climate Crisis. Now We Must Act.

The emotional weight of the findings in the IPCC’s latest report is real and the conclusion is therefore unmistakable: we must double down and act without delay. We have known for many decades that at some point this day would come when the climate crisis was not a distant…