Solar energy panel photovoltaic cell and wind turbine farm power generator in nature landscape for production of renewable green energy is friendly industry.


Can Nuclear Power Solve the Energy Crisis?

This article was written in response to increased calls to use nuclear power during the California energy crisis in the early 2000s. The article answers the question, can nuclear power solve the energy crisis? According to the authors, nuclear power is too costly, risky, and inefficient to be an answer…

Fool’s Gold in Alaska (Annotated Version)

In this annotated version of the article from Foreign Affairs, the authors argue against drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for economic, security, and environmental reasons. They show that the refuge does not contain sufficient supplies of oil and natural gas for drilling to make economic sense.

Why Nuclear Power’s Failure in the Marketplace is Irreversible

In this presentation to the Nuclear Control Institute, Amory Lovins describes the various competitors that are besting nuclear power for dominance of the energy market. This presentation focuses on energy end use efficiency as an especially powerful counter option. Statistics on monetary and energy savings through end-use efficiency measures are…

Profiting from a Nuclear Free Third Millenium

This article describes solutions in energy end-use efficiency that are more affordable and less risky than nuclear power. The article describes the various economic, environmental, and security problems with nuclear energy and provides energy efficient options including new generators, fuel cells, and distributed utilities.