Solar energy panel photovoltaic cell and wind turbine farm power generator in nature landscape for production of renewable green energy is friendly industry.



Why Is Indoor Air Pollution Largely Unregulated?

When most of us think of air pollution, we typically envision big smokestacks billowing clouds of noxious gases, the smog that coats major cities, or even the smoky haze that drifts in from wildfires. However, much of the most serious air pollution that threatens our health comes not from giant…

Green Banks for Economic Recovery and Climate Mitigation

Think what a relief it would be, amid the worst unemployment spell since the Great Depression, to at least not have to worry about paying large electricity bills. That is a benefit enjoyed by families who have solar panels on their roofs that significantly reduce their electricity rates. Connecticut Green Bank’s …

Wind turbine

Knowns and Unknowns of the Energy Transition

We live in times of great uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought suffering, indescribable loss, and suffering all around the world. It also has shown us just how quickly our whole world can change, but it is not the only big change that we are facing in the early 21st…

Decarbonization and Debt Forgiveness

The economic crisis resulting from our response to COVID-19 is hitting energy intensive industries particularly hard. Airlines, hospitality, restaurants, malls, mines, and factories are shut down across the country, as are oil and gas wells, pipelines, refineries and merchant power plants. Unlike the recession that followed the 2008 financial crisis,…