Nuclear: Why even think about it?
Last week, RMI Chairman and founder Amory Lovins discussed where nuclear energy fits in a low-carbon electric system as part of Rocky Mountain Institute’s “Day in the Life Event.” A lively conversation ensued between Lovins, RMI Electricity Principal Lena Hansen and invited guests, centering on what role the technology could play in the Reinventing Fire framework.
Time to Fight the Rising Plug Load Monster
Your printer is sitting on your desk innocuously, but it actually keeps feeding an insatiable monster. It and its neighbors—lamps, the computer, the scanner—all typically draw electricity around the clock.
RMI’s Testimony to Congress on the Value of Deep Retrofits
Victor Olgyay, an RMI Buildings principal who leads Rocky Mountain Institute’s RetroFit initiative, testified today before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight on the impact and importance of fossil-fuel reduction targets and green building rating systems.
Winning with Green Buildings
I’ve heard the design approach for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Research Support Facility (RSF) described as “first eating your vegetables then having dessert.”
Empire State Building Lights Honor RMI
The characteristic floodlights that illuminate the top of the Empire State Building will shine a bright green May 10 to honor Rocky Mountain Institute’s 30 years of work in energy efficiency.