The Innovation Economy: Cleantech’s Economic Power
Listen to RMI Chief Scientist Amory Lovins explain to Merrill Lynch's Pamela Faatz how Reinventing Fire offers a new vision that can revitalize business models and end-run Washington gridlock.
Standard, Showy or Fit: What do Consumers Want from an EV?
According to The New York Times, the electric cars on display in Detroit are adopting one of two overriding design philosophies: make it exciting, or make it familiar. But what do consumers really want out of their EV's?
BSR 2011: How Coke, UPS & RMI Deliver Greener Trucking, Transport
In September, Coca-Cola added six all-electric trucks to its fleet of more than 700 alternative fuel vehicles in North America. This spring United Parcel Service, with a green fleet of more than 2,300 vehicles, began its tryout of a lightweight delivery van clad in rugged ABS plastic that's expected to boost fuel efficiency by 40 percent.
Does Japan Really Need Nuclear?
On Friday, Japan will mark nine months since the massive 8.9-magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami that caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The crisis has "sharply divided intellectuals and elites from the public."