Building Electrification
Indoor Air Pollution: the Link between Climate and Health
As a global pandemic shines a new light on health, air pollution, and the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations, it exposes the need to protect the public from risks both outside and inside the home. Outdoor air pollution is a serious threat: five out of 10 Americans live in areas…
Building Electrification: Opportunities for Job Training while Sheltering in Place
Over the past several weeks, in order to fight the spread of the coronavirus, millions of Americans have been ordered to stay at home. Businesses across the United States have shut their doors, forcing more than 26 million Americans to file for unemployment benefits while they wait to get to…
Sheltering in Place: Are Our Homes the Shelter We Need?
Much of the world is now focused on “sheltering in place.” This phrase was once lingo used almost exclusively by the people whose job it is to prepare for emergencies. Now, we all have that job. Yet most shelter-in-place conversations have very little to say about a critical part of…
Job Creation through Building Electrification in California
California continues to lead the nation in accelerating the transition to an all-electric future, demonstrating foresight that will help the state achieve its climate and air quality goals and prepare to bounce back from the coming economic slump. Regulators recently approved two pilot projects that will advance the market…