More efficient buildings provide multiple benefits including lower emissions, greater comfort, improved health, and lower ongoing costs.

Report | 2018
The Carbon-Free Regions Handbook
The Carbon-Free Regions Handbook reveals 30 actions—and associate resources—for state, provincial, and regional governments to move their communities toward climate neutrality.
Take Action Today
The Carbon-Free Regions Handbook helps regional governments implement climate policies and actions that resolutely place their communities on an aggressive path toward sustainable, low-carbon economies. The recommendations in the book are based on PROVEN, ACTIONABLE, and IMPACTFUL work already led by local governments around the world.
It is a companion to The Carbon-Free City Handbook launched by RMI in November 2017 at COP23 in Bonn, Germany.

What Is the Carbon-Free Regions Handbook?
The Carbon-Free Regions Handbook helps state, provincial, and regional governments implement policies and actions that place their communities on an aggressive path toward sustainable, low-carbon economies.

Why it Matters
Local governments all over the world are already taking ambitious action to reduce carbon while also strengthening their ability to thrive in the 21st century. Other governments can learn from their peers, adapt these best practices, and progress faster.

Who's Involved
The Handbook, developed in coordination with the Under2 Coalition with support from Rockefeller Brothers Fund, is an actionable resource for state and regional policymakers and other leaders who are in the driver’s seat in making key decisions that shape their community’s future.
Browse the 30 recommendations by sector and find associated resources to take action today
Regional governments can enable cities to invest in better mobility options, lowering emissions while increasing mobility choices and improving health.
Ensuring that our electricity comes from renewable or zero emission sources is critical to a cleaner and more resilient future.
Regional governments provide the right scale to support industry—the foundation of many regional economies—in transitioning to low-carbon solutions.
Sustainable and regenerative agriculture, forestry, and other land use can help offset some of the large emission impacts that this sector produces.
Managing waste in a sustainable manner can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also creating economic opportunities.
Regional governments can organize and deliver financial solutions to enable all the recommendations covered in the Handbook.

Engage with Us
Take action today and set your community on an ambitious course to carbon-neutrality bringing economic vitality, cleaner air, and better health and resilience.