Rachit is a manager at RMI focused on accelerating the rapid decarbonization of regulated utilities through a focus on utility finance, regulation, and operations.
Before RMI, Rachit was completing his Master’s in Renewable Energy through a double-degree program in Europe. Between his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and graduate school, he worked in a home energy analytics startup as a data scientist.
Rachit is passionate about a future that is zero-carbon, equitable, and prosperous and is excited he works with an amazing group of people to bring that future closer to reality.
In his spare time, you can find Rachit with a pen or a camera in hand, absorbed in a book, or trying out a new recipe!
MSc., Renewable Energy, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
MSc., Renewable Energy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona
BSc., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
New York City