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Angela Whitney

Angela Whitney formerly lead RMI’s initiative on green banks. Her work focused on supporting countries, mostly in emerging markets, to establish financial institutions dedicated to increasing the volume and efficacy of investments flowing to climate solutions, while also building financial capacity in low-carbon markets. Angela’s team designed and runs the Green Bank Design Platform to enable countries’ efforts to set up green banks. Angela lead partnerships with other organizations in the green bank arena, multilateral development banks, bilateral funding institutions, climate funds, philanthropy and private financial institutions. Angela’s work is at the forefront of understanding how public and private finance can work together to address the investment needs required to achieve climate goals.

Highlights of her work include: convening the largest international event RMI has ever hosted, which brought together representatives from over 25 countries in Paris for the Green Bank Design Summit; holding green bank workshops and high-level events in five countries; managing relationships with over 30 countries interested in setting up green banks.


Angela came to RMI from the Hewlett Foundation where she led the Environment Program’s climate finance strategy and grant making. The aim of her work was to align global capital flows with a two-degree climate scenario, ensuring investing supports a transition to a low-carbon economy. Her grant-making spanned areas from early stage impact investing in innovative climate solutions companies, to creating a project preparation facility targeting solar development in India, to the development of green banks in the United States, among other areas.

Her prior experience includes working for the National Park Service’s San Francisco Regional Office where she focused on issues of land protection and climate resilience. Her work also investigated impacts of energy development in the California desert.


Masters of Environmental Science, Yale School of Forestry

BA, Politics, Willamette University

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