Leveraged the capacity of Appalachian State University and industry innovation to transform New River Light and Power and integrated the utility more deeply into the university’s academic mission—2015.

eLab Accelerator Teams 2015
2015 TEAMS
From March 23 to 26, 2015, twelve teams convened at Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah. Accelerator 2015 brought together projects focused on the following themes:
- New Business Models: New utility business models, electricity pricing structures, and regulatory reform efforts focused on distributed energy resource (DER) issues
- Energy Innovation Districts: Demonstration projects, microgrids, downtown clean energy zones, and other localized projects to integrate and test innovative DER solutions
- New Customer Solutions: Customer engagement programs, innovative financing, strategies for low-income populations, or other initiatives to support clean DER adoption by customers
Further information on teams attending Accelerator 2015 can be found by following the links below.
Improved its model for accelerating energy efficiency—2015.
Aimed to help Bloomfield, Iowa become a net-zero, electric energy community—2015.
Developed pilot project design, financing, and ownership models for the City of Hoboken and the State of New Jersey to deploy microgrid solutions—2015.
Served as a test-bed for demonstrating and evaluating energy innovation—2015.
Enabled, accelerated, and optimized adoption of electrified vehicles in Juneau, Alaska—2015.
Improved resiliency and address economic and environmental concerns in the Sun Valley, Idaho region—2015.
Develop recommendations for evolving the regulatory system in Minnesota to better align how utilities earn revenue with new customer expectations and public policy goals—2015.
Developed a sustainable business model for customer-sited storage that creates value for all stakeholders including customers, regulators, utilities, providers, and advocates—2015.
Accelerated the deployment of PV and create a roadmap for using PV as a viable tool for energy security in the event of an emergency—2015.
Aimed to enable an electric vehicle charging program that drives customer EV adoption, manages EV charge loads on the distribution system, and provided direct benefits to customers, utility and project partners—2015.
Developed a new utility business model, including a significant behind the meter energy strategy, to transition North Central New Mexico to 100% renewable energy—2015.