Book | 2002
The New Business Climate: A Guide to Lower Carbon Emissions and Better Business Performance
For both private businesses and public institutions, the stakes are high in trying to determine the best strategy for responding to global climate change and the policy measures that are being put into place. While some firms may choose to ignore or resist any sort of emissions regulations, others accept the eventuality of greenhouse gas (GHG) limits and are working to influence the regulatory structure to their benefit. Smart firms will use the challenge of global climate change to stimulate innovation and improve business practices that help reconcile environmental and business performance goals. Once people step beyond the boundaries of incremental, zero-sum thinking they can create a culture supportive of creativity and learning. Such a learning organization will empower its people to effect innovative change as part of the everyday working culture. Learning organizations are better at improving quality, serving customers, and responding to changes such as GHG emission limits. A learning organization committed to addressing climate change can be a more fun, energizing place to work, and this employee motivation can create a competitive marketplace advantage.