Report | 1999
Reevaluating Stormwater: The Nine Mile Run Model for Restorative Development
This report presents a model for resolving a history of chronic sewer overflows into the public streets, parks, and waters of the Pittsburgh region, while simultaneously restoring and revitalizing the region’s urban communities and watersheds. The model uses physical measures that remove stormwater from sewers and produce additional benefits such as beautificaion of neighborhoods, creation of public recreational amenities, support of wildlife habitat, and cleaning and cooling of urban air. The report describes the collaborative process of developing this model. The authors show how low-cost, multibenefit stormwater management measures, incorporated into retrofit programs and redevelopment projects, can reduce sewer overflows, restore urban watersheds, and revitalize communities. The results of the work illustrate a restorative development approach to the sewers, ecosystem, and communities, showing that retroit and redevelopment projects that are technically and economically feasible can improve the value and livability of the city while effectively restoring the watershed’s natural functions.